Why choose NanoLife
ANTIBACTERIAL (Probiotic) Nano Silver kills single-cell organisms, (bad bacteria) and not multi-cell organisms (good bacteria). ANTIVIRAL Active against TGEV-coronavirus (model virus for SARSCoV) and Influenza A PREVENTS ODOURS Prevents microbial odors FUNGICIDAL Permanent fungicidal function DEFENDING MITES Deprives house dust mites of food PREVENTS MOLD GROWTH Prevents mold growth on smooth and textured surfaces FACILITATES LONG-TERM CLEANING Creates an invisible self-disinfecting 'silver' barrier on ALL surfaces and textiles. PROMOTES COMFORT Promotes comfort, well-being, and safety FREE FROM SVHC Especially free from fluorine, PBT & vPvB-substances DERMATOLOGICALLY TESTED Rating of "excellent
Sanas Accredited
The SANAS Approval Committee Meeting Review held on 26 June 2021, facilitates the continued accreditation has been approved in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 to Laboratory and Biological Services CC – T0302.
Nanolife 90 Day Protection offers 90-day biological decontamination and natural shield that is environmentally safe, active for 90 days against all viruses, bacteria, fungi, and mold on all surfaces.
Even though many people know that Silver has superior antibacterial and antibiotic characteristics, there has been limitation on the application in real life because of darkening at high temperature and high cost. Nanotechnology solved these two problems at the same time.
NanoLife Products
Last 12 hours on Skin and 90 days on Surfaces. Instantly Eradicates Viruses and Bacteria on Contact
Contact NanoLife
Find us at the office
Unit A4, Enterprise Village
Capricorn Office Park
Give us a ring
082 780 7267
What’s app only:
082 780 7267